Assembly Instructions for the Single Rail Ballet Barre Kit
Tools Needed:
5/16" Hex Head Wrench / Allen Wrench (Provided)
Tape Measure
You might also want to have -
A Bubble Level
A Metal File, Sandpaper or Nail File
Pipe lengths:
Note: The following lengths will result in a Barre 10' long, 3' 5" (41") high, and 2' 3" (27") wide. Please feel free to
adjust as desired.
It is recommended that the leg pipe be no shorter than 18" (for a 21" wide leg).
All pipe ends need to be free of burrs (what the file or sandpaper is for).
See also:
What Pipe Can I Use?
Pipe Cut Lists
The following cut list can be made from 2 - 10' lengths of 1 1/2" EMT (or EMC) pipe or one 20' length of 1 1/4" schedule 40
1 - 10' Horizontal Rail
2 - 3' Uprights
2 - 2' Legs

Single Barre Kit:
6 - "L" Fittings (4 with Rubber Feet)
2 - "T" Fittings

NOTE: On the terms "Finger Tight" and "Wrench Tight" -
FINGER TIGHT - The screw is tightened so that it lightly makes contact with the pipe. It is tight enough to keep the fitting
in place but loose enough to allow adjustment by hand.
WRENCH TIGHT - The screw is tightened one half (1/2) to three quarters (3/4) of a turn from the finger tight position.
It is important when using the fittings with EMT /EMC not to over tighten the screws or damage to the pipe will result.
- Using the Tape Measure, measure and mark each Leg in the middle of the pipe (1' for a 2' leg).
- Take the 2 "T" Fittings and slide one onto each of the Leg pipes using the marks to center them - tighten the screw Finger
- Take the 4 "L" Fittings with rubber feet and place them on each end of the Legs.
Tighten the screw to Finger Tight.
- Square up the "L" Fittings by placing the rubber foot ends of fittings face down on a flat surface and rotating one or both of
the fittings so there is no rocking. Tighten the screws of the "L" Fittings to Wrench Tight.
- The "L" Fittings now form the "Feet" for the Leg.
- Rotate the "T" Fitting so that it's open end is pointing straight up. (Keep its screw Finger Tight). (Fig. 2)

- Repeat for the other Leg.
- Take 2 of the "L" Fittings and place them on each end of the Rail Pipe. Adjust the Fittings so that about 1/8" the pipe
can be seen thru the opening. (Or, you can measure & mark the pipe at 1 7/8" from the end and slide the edge of the
fitting to the mark). (Fig. 3)

- Roughly square up the fittings by laying each on its back, with the openings straight up, on a flat surface. Tighten the
Screws to Finger Tight.

- Take one of the Feet / Leg assemblies and slide one of the Upright pipes into the open end of the "T" fitting.

- Repeat for the other Upright.
- Stand the Legs & Upright assembly up and side the Upright pipe into the open end of one of the Rail "L" fittings. Let the
other end of the Rail rest on the ground. Slide the upright in until it stops on the 1/8" projection of pipe inside the "L"
fitting. Finger tighten the screw.

- Repeat for other Upright and Leg.
- If the Barre rocks - rotate one of the Uprights in relation to the Rail Pipe to fix it.
- Tighten the screws into the Rail pipe to Wrench Tight.
- Square up the Legs to the Barre by eye. Tighten the "T" fittings screws to
Wrench Tight.
- Check all of the screws and make sure they are all Wrench Tight.
You are now done!
If you have any questions or comments please call 510-376-6465 or e-mail:
Maintenance & Safety Notes:
Do not allow dancers to sit on or swing from the barre!
Ballet barres are meant to be used only as an aid in balancing or stretching. Sitting or swinging on a barre may cause them
to tip over and cause injury.
Check the tightness of screws on a regular basis.
Moving the barre, even once a day, will eventually cause the screws in the fittings to loosen. How quickly this will happen
depends on how the barre is moved and how often. If, for example, the barre is moved several times a day by one person dragging
it across the floor, weekly checks will be necessary. If, however, the barre is moved once a day by two dancers lifting and
carrying it, then a check once every three or four months is reasonable.
Immediately fix any fittings that are found loose.
Despite regular checks a fitting may still come loose during a class. Keep the wrench provided with the kit where all teachers
know where it is and how to use it. Do not use a barre that has obvious loose fittings or put one in storage unless it is
marked as needing maintenance.